Secret Android codes list

Android codes

Nowadays all people are using Android Mobile but you know that there are lots of code in Android mobile that you can check the specification of your Android mobile. If this code is not working on your phone then you see our notice which we have given below and this also happens because different codes work in all the phones. However, you can check all the code in your mobile one by one, any of these codes will work on your mobile.

Android codes list

  • Check SAR( Specific Absorption Rate) Level of your phone (how much radiation is absorbed by the human body under the worst possible circumstances). The maximum SAR limit for mobile devices is 1.6 W/kg


1. About phone, Battery usage


2. Reset your phone ( restore factory setting )

3. Reinstalls or reset phones Firmware


4. Check About your phone camera


5. Using that code you can change Power button Behavior - Enable direct power off if you enable this code


6. For backup, your all media files use this code


7. Enable test mode check all services activity working or not


8. For checking wireless LAN tests


8. Displays wi-fi Mac-address connected or not


9. For check GPS Test


10. For a different type of  GPS Tests


11. For Packet Loopback tests


12. For LCD display testing


13. For audio testing


14. For vibration test and blacklist testings


15. For view displays Touch Screen Version


16. For Touch screen testings


17. For sensors testing


18. Find your phone RAM version


19. For Bluetooth testings of your phone 


20. View your Bluetooth device address


21. Check your software version


22. Check your hardware version


23. Check build time and date


24. Check IMEI number ( this code manly work in all device  )


In SAMSUNG mobile check LCD, sensor, speaker, touch-type *#0*# 

Android code

NOTICE:-  In Above given all codes maybe not working so, check manually which code work on your phone. That's because many mobile making companies customize Android accordingly, and do not permit the use of these codes. If your phone is rooted then these code work properly.

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